Call for Contributions:
The Creative Issue
Cultivate is a postgraduate feminist journal based at the Centre for Women’s Studies, University of York, publishing annually. 2023 will be a special issue, focused on embracing our wealth of creative submissions. We have mostly been an online presence, however this time we will be looking to develop a printed limited edition zine from this collaboration.
We are looking for submissions that exist at the intersection of art and feminism - and are open to all works that can be translated two-dimensionally. For example:
Fibre/textile-based work
Creative Writing
Video Work
We acknowledge that we all come to feminism through different pathways, and yet we are all causing ripples that impact and are impacted by the world/s around us. We encourage you to consider what feminism(s) means to you, what you are currently passionate about, what deserves more attention… or even, what are you scared to explore?